管理PowerPoint环境 |
Managing the PowerPoint Environment |
1.调整视图 |
1.Adjust views |
2.操作PowerPoint窗口 |
2.Manipulate the PowerPoint window |
3.配置访问工具栏 |
3.Configure the Quick Access Toolbar |
4.配置PowerPoint文件选项 |
4.Configure PowerPoint file options |
创建幻灯片演示 |
Creating a Slide Presentation |
1.构建和编辑相册 |
1.Construct and edit photo albums |
2.设置幻灯片的大小和方向 |
2.Apply slide size and orientation settings |
3.添加和删除幻灯片 |
3.Format slides |
4.输入和格式化文本 |
4.Enter and format text |
4.格式化文本框 |
4.Format text boxes |
使用图形和多媒体元素 |
Working with Graphical and Multimedia Elements |
1.处理图形元素 |
1.Manipulate graphical elements |
2.处理图像 |
2.Create a reference page |
3.修改艺术字体和形状 |
3.Modify WordArt and shapes |
4.处理艺术字体 |
4.Manipulate SmartArt |
5.编辑视频和音频内容 |
5.Edit video and audio content |
创建图表和表格 |
Creating Charts and Tables |
1.构建和修改表格 |
1.Construct and modify tables |
2.插入和修改图表 |
2.Insert and modify charts |
3.应用图表元素 |
3.Apply chart elements |
4.处理图表布局 |
4.Manipulate chart layouts |
4.处理图表元素 |
4.Manipulate chart elements |
应用切换和动画 |
Applying Transitions and Animations |
1.应用内置和自定义动画 |
1.Apply built-in and custom animations |
2.应用和路径选项 |
2.Apply effect and path options |
3.应用和修改幻灯片之间的切换 |
3.Apply and modify transitions between slides |
4.处理动画 |
4.Manipulate animations |
演示文稿的协同 |
Collaborating on Presentations |
1.在演示文稿中管理批注 |
1.Manage comments in presentations |
2.应用校对工具 |
2.Apply proofing tools |
演示文稿发布前的准备 |
Preparing Presentations for Delivery |
1.保存演示文稿 |
1.Save presentations |
2.共享演示文稿 |
2.Share presentations |
3.打印演示文稿 |
3.Print presentations |
4.保护演示文稿 |
4.Protect presentations |
发布演示文稿 |
Delivering Presentations |
1.应用演示工具 |
1.Apply presentation tools |
2.设置幻灯片放映 |
2.Set up slide shows |
3.设置排练计时 |
3.Set presentation timing |
4.录制演示 |
4.Record presentations |